Tuesday, June 30, 2015

My Book Review for Find Me by Rosie O'Donnell!!

My Book Review for Find Me by Rosie O’Donnell!!                                      6/30/15


I am writing this book review because I have been a fan of Rosie’s since 1996, and I know there are others just like me, also because Rosie follows me on Twitter. Rosie wrote this book in 2002 the same year she ended her first Talk Show ‘The Rosie O’Donnell. Show” and I have had the book since Christmas 2002.  This Book is about how Rosie was contacted by a pregnant teenage girl, and how it changed her life. This story will stay with you years after you first read it, and you will think about it a lot. This is one good book!!


This book is also about Rosie’s Childhood, and how her life was going at the time she wrote the book. This book will make you smile, cry, and feel good about life. You can buy the book here

Monday, June 15, 2015

My Book Review for Roseannearchy!!!

MY BOOK REVIEW FOR ROSEANNEARCHY!!                                             6-15-15



Roseannearchy  is a book that Comic Roseanne Barr wrote in 2011,  and the paperback came out in 2012.  It’s one of my favorite books to read!!   Roseanne is known for her jokes and rants, and this book is no different. Roseanne discusses over 25 topics, and each is funny and entertaining. My favorite topics Roseanne Discusses are the 90’s, Meditation, God, and Death. This book should be in schools, colleagues, and stores all over!!!

You will not be sorry you read this book review, and decided to buy this book and read it, I just know if you love Roseanne You will love this book. You can buy this book on Amazon, or in bookstores. Here is the Amazon Link http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_9?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=roseannearchy&sprefix=Roseannea%2Caps%2C415.   You can get more information  about this book at www.roseanneworld.com . You can follow Roseanne Barr on Twitter @TheRealRoseanne

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sabbath Video for June: Topic is Meditation


Book Review for June, This Monday is Roseannearchy!!!

 I will have two Book Review's this month, one being  Roseannearchy. This  is a book that was published in 2011 by Comic and Actress Roseanne Barr. Roseanne gives her views on Hollywood, Satan, Mental Illnesses, Meditation, and Family among other topics. This book will make you laugh, think and get mad at the world. More info in the review.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

My Favorite Documentry: America's Sweethart!!

My Favorite Doc Review for “America’s Sweetheart:  Queens of Nashville”!                     6-10-15


This Documentary was released in 2014, and it centers around 4 Country Music singers Taylor Swift, Reba, Faith Hill, and Carrie Underwood. It talks about how the women grew up, got their start, and what they are doing up to 2014.  It features interviews with them, and people who love their music.  This   is one of My favorite Documentaries   because I grew up listening to Reba and Faith, and I am also a fan of Carrie and Taylor. You can watch this Documentary on the AXS TV Network.   


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Some of My June Projects!!

Hey Everyone,

June is here which means summer is near. I will have projects here for your enjoyment this month, and all summer long!!!! For now, I will give you about some  my June Projects.

 On June 10th I will be releasing another review of one of my favorite documentaries called America's Sweethearts: The Queens of Nashville. The Documentary centers around  country singers Taylor Swift, Reba, Faith Hill, and  Carrie Underwood, and it tells us their backstory and why they are the Queens of Nashville.  The Doc was made in 2014, and I will have more information about it on Wednesday June 10th.

On June  12th, I will do my monthly Sabbath Video for June. I will teach you some of the meditations I do, and why I do it. I tape on Friday Afternoon, for release on YouTube at sundown on East Coast time.  You can find my YouTube Page here

That's all the information I have for you now!!!